Here, I’ll show you how you can add a “Load More” button to your summary on Squarespace 7.1 using jQuery.
This solution allows displaying more than 30 items in one summary.
Note: this code was tested to work with the Summary Grid layout and to display the image, title, excerpt, and “Read More” button only.
First, you want to add a jQuery library to your site. You can use a CDN hosted file, similar to below.
<script src=""></script>
You will need to place it in Settings -> Advanced -> Code Injection -> Header.
After you added your jQuery library, you want to add some styles (you can add them in the same Header section):
<style> .load-more-summary + .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-item:not(.active){ display: none; } .load-more-summary + .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-item img{ position:absolute; top:0 !important; left: 0 !important; height: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; object-fit: cover; } .load-more-summary + .sqs-block-summary-v2 .sqs-block-button { width: 100% !important; } </style>
Now it’s time to add our main JavaScript code, that will fetch all blog posts and add our “Load More” button.
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.sqs-block-code [data-resource]').each(function(){ $(this).closest('.sqs-block-code').addClass('load-more-summary'); }) if($('[data-resource]').length > 0) { var resource = $('[data-resource]').attr('data-resource'); var visiblePosts; var itemLength; var blogPosts = []; var jsonUrlOrigin = window.location.origin+'/'+resource+'?format=json-pretty'; var jsonUrl = window.location.origin+'/'+resource+'?format=json-pretty'; function ajaxRequests(url) { var promise = $.getJSON(url); promise.done(function(data){ var items = data.items; if(items) { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var blogPost = {}; blogPost.title = items[i].title; blogPost.tags = items[i].tags; blogPost.categories = items[i].categories; = items[i].fullUrl; blogPost.excerpt = items[i].excerpt; blogPost.image = items[i].assetUrl; blogPosts.push(blogPost); } var lastItem = items[items.length - 1]; var offset = lastItem.publishOn; jsonUrl = jsonUrlOrigin + '&offset=' + offset; theLoop() } else { var list = $('.sqs-block-code.load-more-summary + .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-item-list'); var summaryStyle = list.find('.summary-item:first-child').attr('style') var summaryImgStyle = list.find('.summary-item:first-child .img-wrapper').attr('style') list.html(''); for (var i = 0; i < blogPosts.length; i++) { if(i<=5) { var active = 'active'; } else { var active = ''; } $('<div data-type="image" style="'+summaryStyle+'" class="summary-item summary-item-record-type-text sqs-gallery-design-autogrid-slide summary-item-has-thumbnail summary-item-has-excerpt summary-item-has-cats summary-item-has-tags summary-item-has-author '+active+'"><div class="summary-thumbnail-outer-container"> <a href="'+blogPosts[i].link+'" class="summary-thumbnail-container sqs-gallery-image-container"> <div class="summary-thumbnail img-wrapper" style="height:0;'+summaryImgStyle+'"><img class="summary-thumbnail-image" data-load="false" src="'+blogPosts[i].image+'"></div></a></div> <div class="summary-content sqs-gallery-meta-container"> <div class="summary-title"> <a href="'+blogPosts[i].link+'" class="summary-title-link">'+blogPosts[i].title+'</a> </div><div class="summary-excerpt summary-excerpt-only"> '+blogPosts[i].excerpt+' </div><a href="'+blogPosts[i].link+'" class="summary-read-more-link">Read More →</a> </div></div>').appendTo(list); } } $('.sqs-block-code.load-more-summary + .sqs-block-summary-v2 .summary-item-list').each(function(){ if ($(this).children().length > 6) { $('<div class="sqs-block button-block sqs-block-button"><div class="sqs-block-content"><div class="sqs-block-button-container--center" data-animation-role="button" data-alignment="center" data-button-size="medium" data-button-type="primary"><a href="#load-more" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" data-initialized="true">Load More</a></div></div></div>').appendTo($(this)); } }) Squarespace.initializeSummaryV2Block(Y) Y.all('[data-load]').each(function(img) { img.removeAttribute('data-load'); ImageLoader.load(img); img.addClass('loaded'); }); }) } function theLoop(){ ajaxRequests(jsonUrl); } ajaxRequests(jsonUrl); $(document).on('click','.summary-item-list .sqs-block-button-element', function(){ var visiblePosts = $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('').length; var itemLength = $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').length; if(visiblePosts != itemLength || visiblePosts < itemLength) { $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').eq(visiblePosts).fadeIn().addClass('active'); $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').eq(visiblePosts).next().fadeIn().addClass('active'); $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').eq(visiblePosts).next().next().fadeIn().addClass('active'); $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').eq(visiblePosts).next().next().next().fadeIn().addClass('active'); $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').eq(visiblePosts).next().next().next().next().fadeIn().addClass('active'); $(this).closest('.summary-item-list').find('.summary-item').eq(visiblePosts).next().next().next().next().next().fadeIn().addClass('active'); visiblePosts=visiblePosts+6; if(visiblePosts == itemLength || visiblePosts > itemLength) { $(this).hide(); } } else { $(this).hide(); } }) } }) </script>
It will make the first 6 blog posts visible, the rest will be revealed on the button click.
Your Code Injection section should look similar to the below:
When all code has been added to the Code Injection section it’s time to set up our page.
You want to start editing your page and add a summary to it.
Right above the summary, you want to add a Code Block.
The Code Block should contain the following code:
<div data-resource="blog"></div>
The “data-resource” attribute’s value will have to be your blog page’s URL slug.
In my case, it’s “blog”.
Here is a live example
password: squase
I hope this article was useful for you.
Need developer help? Reach out to me directly at